Saturday, June 04, 2011

Pakistan -- the New Afghanistan

Good news. It's open season on al-Qaeda leaders, no matter where they are. More interesting, however, is Obama's war against Pakistan. We've invaded the country, killing lots of bad guys, including bin Laden. So far, the US has carried the ball.

What's Pakistan doing to fight the al-Qaeda forces and other "enemy" forces? Very little. Why should they? It seems the leaders of Pakistan have an agenda that might not appeal to many Americans.

What side are the power elites of Pakistan on? Clearly not our side. They don't object too strenuously when the US kills people in Pakistan. At the same time, they fail to find and kill the bad guys, which suggests their behavior is mere posturing. They pretend to object while American forces fly drones and SEAL Team 6 kills high-value targets, and they'll handle things this way until the US departs.

Then the truth about Pakistan will come out. Maybe India will step in.

Ilyas Kashmiri Dead: Al Qaeda Commander Killed In Pakistan In U.S. Drone Strike, Official Says

06/ 4/11

DERA ISMAIL KHAN, Pakistan — A top al-Qaida commander and possible replacement for Osama bin Laden was killed in an American drone-fired missile strike close to the Afghan border, the militant group he heads and a Pakistani intelligence official said Saturday.

Ilyas Kashmiri's death is another blow to al-Qaida just over a month after bin Laden was killed by American commandos in a northwest Pakistani army town. Described by U.S. officials as al-Qaida's military operations chief in Pakistan, he was one of five most-wanted militant leaders in the country, accused in a string of bloody attacks, including the 2008 Mumbai massacre.

His death was not confirmed publicly by the United States or Pakistani officials. Verifying who has been killed in the drone strikes is difficult. Initial reports have turned out to be wrong in the past, or are never formally denied or confirmed by authorities here or in the United States.

But a fax from the militant group he was heading – Harakat-ul-Jihad al-Islami's feared "313 Brigade" – confirmed Kashmiri was "martyred" in the strike at 11:15 p.m. Friday in South Waziristan tribal region. It vowed revenge against America.

The Pakistani official also said Kashmiri was among nine militants killed in the strike. He spoke on condition of anonymity in line with his agency's policy.

Kashmiri's name was on a list of militants that the United States and Pakistan recently agreed to jointly target, officials have said. The successful strike could help repair ties between the two countries that were badly damaged by the unilateral American raid, especially if Islamabad helped provide intelligence leading up to the attack.

The 47-year-old Pakistani, said to be blind in one eye and missing a finger, was one of the country's most accomplished – and vicious – militants. He was so close to al-Qaida's central command that he had been mentioned as a contender for replacing bin Laden.

Indian officials have alleged he was involved in the 2008 Mumbai siege that killed more than 160 people. He has also been named a defendant in an American court over a planned attack on a Danish newspaper that published cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad in 2005.

Kashmiri has most recently been linked to last month's 18-hour assault on a naval base in Karachi. He is also accused of masterminding several bloody raids on Pakistan police and intelligence buildings in 2009 and 2010, as well as a failed assassination attempt against then-President Pervez Musharraf in 2003.

The U.S Department of State says he organized a 2006 suicide bombing against the U.S. consulate in Karachi that killed four people, including an American diplomat.

In September 2009, officials said Kashmiri was believed to have been killed in a drone strike. The report turned out to be wrong. The United States does not acknowledge firing the missiles, though its officials have confirmed the death of high-value targets before.

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Blogger Mr. Mcgranor said...

Al-Qaida is a non-governmental orginization and all who participate within various nation-states are complicent of their respective nation-states. Also the fact that this war extends to mid-east culture--is a point that needs to be made. I say they have their understanding...and the majority of the West and America are in agreement.

12:34 PM  
Blogger SNAKE HUNTERS said...

If it's confirmed that al Queda's "military brain" Hashmiri and nine close associates are dead, this indicates a serious blow for the bin Laden death cult. Also, that American/Pakistan officials are back on track, temporarily.

When dealing with muslim mentality
it's always "Trust, but Verify!"

___ ___

12:56 PM  
Blogger Mr. Mcgranor said...


4:14 PM  
Blogger no_slappz said...


It is impossible to separate Islamic terrorist groups from Islamic government.

Islam is a religion, a political doctrine, and a military. The three-pronged ideology aims to create a global caliphate.

The three parts operate in the service of the whole.

7:43 AM  
Blogger Mr. Mcgranor said...

We oppose such cultural merging--regarding one-worldism. Yet--we wish them well within their respective autonomous cultures.

5:48 PM  
Blogger Mr. Mcgranor said...

Turkey were once Europeanized--and have since recanted. Alignment with any--is our downfall. The total enemy to the uncompromising Mohammedan is outright pagans: Sihks, Hindus, Bhuddists, spiritists and atheists. Find comfort in your Abrahamic monotheism. May the Mohammedan onslaught be mercyful to a fallen West.

5:53 PM  

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